Tuesday 27 November 2012

Monster Cat

When I left the U.S. I really missed my two dogs, Ole and Lena.  Even though I still really miss them, I have a new little friend here.  When I got to England I was surprised to find out that there was a cat who sometimes would hang out around the house.  I was so excited!  The previous director called it Monster Cat because it was so big.  I didn't know what to expect.  About two weeks went past without any sign of Monster Cat.  I was starting to think she wasn't going to come.  Then one day I was looking out the window and I saw this huge cat going through the garden!  I was so excited that I ran outside to see the cat, forgetting that cats can get scared easily.  As you can guess the cat heard me, took one look and ran.  It was about a week before I saw her again.  The next time I saw her I let her come up to the house before I went outside.  She was still very timid so I just sat with her for awhile so she could get familiar with me.  After that she let me pet her.  She was the softest cat I ever felt!  She was very big and furry!  She was a well trained and gentle cat with a really soft meow like a kitten.  After awhile she was coming almost every day.  My dad says he doesn't like cats but I know that's not true now because he lets me bring the cat inside our home.  Here she is:

I would say she is at least two feet long.  She's a big cat!  I think she is a Norwegian Forest Cat.  When I'm older I think this is the kind cat I want to own. =)


  1. I like your new friend, Rylea! We really enjoyed it when Ole and Lena visited us a few weeks ago. I think Angel and Nuckles were a little afraid of them even though they were smaller. Hope you're enjoying your Christmas season in England. From Julie O.

  2. Norwegian forest cats are pretty. I'm glad David likes him, too.
